Self-understanding and Development

Students face different life missions or goals during various stages. We provide multi-dimensional analysis and hierarchical planning, also collaborate with universities to study students’ needs. We organize a wide variety of activities for students to deeply explore themselves and build up life-long goal. For junior forms, the emphasis is put on self-exploration and self-understanding. Career exploration and monitoring principles are the foci for senior forms.

Students make use of professional assessment tools, for instance, Career Interest Inventory, Basic Interest Marker, and MBTI Occupational Personality Survey to explore their specialty objectively and hence build up their development plan.

Career-related Experience

We actively develop partnership with different parties, such as the Education Bureau, Junior Achievement Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, to provide students with career-related experience. Diverse activities including career talk, airport inspection, career sparkle scheme, short-term career plan and mentoring scheme are held and students can explore industries like hotel, architecture, law, logistics and media. Students approach more about different career and therefore understand their life goal, interest, ability and direction in order to reflect own aspiration and development.

Career Planning and Management

We encourage students to organize an achievable career plan according to their ambition, interest, ability and direction. To assist junior form students, the school holds elective subjects sharing sessions in which S5 students introduce the New Senior Secondary subjects and rationale. S3 to S4 mock streaming are arranged twice to introduce the subject allocation and the significance of serious consideration. For senior students, an alumni sharing session on multiple pathways is held annually to help them choose the appropriate tertiary programmes. Previously, more than 70 alumni from tertiary institutions exchanged ideas on DSE preparation, JUPAS programmes selection and admission interviews in group format. Besides, students have individual consultations with their class teachers on the Student Support Day, which aims at guiding students to set up their target and review the progress along with teachers’ guidance, encouragement and support.